Photographer makes a photo of an infrequent giraffe in one of the parks in Tanzania

Photographer makes a photo of an infrequent giraffe in one of the parks in Tanzania

A giraffe with rare beauty was found by Derek who was an ecologist and a scientist. The giraffe was named Omo. He said that the color of its body was because of genetic alteration. In difference with albinos, Leukist cells can integrate melanin which is a dark one, while the color of skin of animals is white.

But their eye color is not pink and they generally don’t have different kind of illnesses like albinos have. You can find only such giraffe in a park in Tanzania. Derek also continued that some marks of abnormal condition of pigmentation. Omo is friendly with the other animals. It is rather sociable and is not kept away from them.

Because of its color it can easily be a prey for leopards and for other predators. As its color can be seen in the grass. The scientist has hope that the animals will be so fortunate that it can have a family and give birth children and will be lucky that will be away from predators. You can agree that its beauty is really catchy and you won’t stop admiring when looking at it.

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