A kind Australian dog became friends with the desperate cow from being slaughtered

A kind Australian dog became friends with the desperate cow from being slaughtered

A beautiful pair Jay and and Ellie determined to take care of the young animal the mother of which was handed for being slaughtered. The kind-hearted people rescued its life which was at risk to die. Unluckily the young cow was having health issues and was feeling bad.

The young animal was taking medicine though it was breathing with difficulty and the family supposed it would not live longer. But the dog of the couple assisted the cow which day by day started to feel fine. It was very caring towards the calf and was affectionate. They soon became true friends and were inseparable from one another. They were enjoying passing time with one another and they both were feeling fulfilled.

The dog was doing its best to help the young animal to be happy and fine. After the short time the calf was totally healthy and was active. So we can say that with its care and attention the dog was able to rescue the animal and they pass their day with one another. Even the differences of species they could understand one another even without words.