The small saved dog Diggy now has got a true companion a big Mastiff
In not every case size has importance. When looking at Mastiff and the small pet you will be ensured of that saying. They have been true companions when being in a refuge together. In 2016 the small pet was seen on the road near some cars somebody had left it there. When Digby about a month it was very slim and its weight was almost 1 kg.
He had got a cold and had been saved by the rescuers on time. Being in the shelter Digby saw the big mastiff with the name Hero the weight of which was about 60 kg and it was eating a lot. People visiting the shelter found interest on the animal. There was a connection between the small pet and the big one they did not go away for one another.
They like very much to enjoy their time together. So the size in this case as we see is not taken into account. Though they are friends but they will be separated later. As owners were found to adopt Digby. Hope Digby will have a cozy and happy life with its new owners thought the absence of Nero it will feel in the beginning.