Amazing deer was born in the U.S.A the arms of which were open
The amazing deer was born in 2021 in summer in one of the zoos of the United States. It was charming. With its appearance it captured the attention of the visitors.Its mother was 5 years old and baby was born late at night. Deer’s father was 7. And he’s name was Bond. But the small animal didn’t have a name yet. Due to Animals’ Survival Plan it was born.
It is said that both the deer and the mother felt very well. Once when people were coming to see the deer It was drinking milk. Though the deer and its mother didn’t like to be seen in public too much. When the baby was born it was escaping people as it should have been ready to face them. When looking at the animal we can say that she looks like Bambi from Disney.
These kinds of animals usually have a unique appearance. Their tail is both white and brown. Because of the horse they can be dangerous as their length can be up to 4 feet. If you want to see these animals you can visit them in Somalia,Uganda, Tanzania… and also in Como Zoo.