The cute kitten can move only through a wheel because of being paralyzed
Bernard is a fortunate kitty. It was seen on the road with disabled limbs. But even that the cat is very playful and active, as if it is not not lack of anything. Due to the professional holder it is able now to walk via unique wheels. When being found on the street the kitten was transformed to the nearest refuge where one of the volunteers started to examine it and decided to adopt.
The cat was named Bernard. When the woman took the cat to the doctor they said that maybe cat’s limbs did not move due to disruption. The kitten also had other health issues. It was not able to go to the restroom by its won. In the beginning the woman was astonished by the cat. Even lack of limbs it wanted to run, spring and look through the house.
And Jenifer knew that the cat was brave and would not surrender easily. The owner made a plan to help her poor cat to move freely. It designed a car with the design of which Bernard would be able to walk. And when the cat tried the machine you would not be able to stop it. The cat showed everyone that it was capable of doing anything that normal animals can do.