Dog Lily lives in Brazil in the family of Ana Clara Simoes. Sometimes her 86-year-old grandmother comes to visit the girl, who lost her leg due to diabetes and is now forced to move around in a wheelchair.
Lily likes the woman’s visits. Moreover, she does everything to make her grandmother comfortable in the house. Recently, Ana posted a touching video on Twitter with a pet who, upon seeing a relative, immediately rushed to remove door mats from her path.
The owners of Lily were amazed, because no one taught the dog this. “At first we thought it was just a coincidence,” says Ana. – But then they noticed that Lily does this only when her grandmother comes to visit us. That’s how she takes care of her.”
The girl’s post in a matter of days gained more than 192 thousand likes, and about 1.6 million people viewed the video with clever Lily. In the comments, subscribers left a lot of compliments to Lily, praising her intelligence and love for a person. And one user wrote that we don’t really know much about dogs, and they can still surprise us. And, looking at the touching efforts of a small dog, it’s hard not to agree with this!