There are no obstacles to true friendship, and these two cuties will prove it to you!
A dog called Giuseppe had difficulties chatting with his lovely neighbor from the edge of the fence.
But his owner helped him out.
Two beautiful dogs, Vito and Bambino live peacefully with their owners.
The dogs also had a furry neighbor, a Labrador with the name of Giuseppe.
First, when these two pets met a new neighbor during a walk, they have become best friends with him and played together all day long.
But soon a high fence become an obstacle for them, it separated two houses from each other.
Obviously, two pets from the first house could easily reach the fence, as they were large enough to do so, however, it was difficult for Giuseppe to reach, he could not greet his friends and chat with them.
“We noticed how poor labrador tried to reach his big neighbors to say hello,” – replies the owners of the Labrador Retriever.
But the owner was determined to help his pet a little. He found a suitable chair and put it close to the fence. The doggie was cheered immadiately.
Finally, the happy dog can keep chatting with his friends without any difficulties This story proves us that there are no barriers to true friendship!