When being abandoned the pet finds new owners after ten years
A dog with long hair had been living in shelter for ten years as no one appeared to adopt it. Its name was Floyd. It was living in Liverpool. It passed a long way until it became a guide for small puppies. One of the volunteers said that the dog was astonishing along the other pets. Floyd saw a lot of people visiting to their shelter but they did not adopt it. And there was no hope that it would be taken ever. The pet once was lived with a family consisting of 8 children.
They all were abusing the poor animal. When the dog was old it also started to behave itself aggressive. And the family determined to leave it in the shelter. There it was feeling itself at ease and no one was behaving badly with the dog. Gradually the dog started to be active and got accustomed to the new staff.
But when new people were coming to the refuge it was being afraid remembering its early years. In order to know a new person it should have passed some time. The dog became lucky when one of the employees of the refuge determined to adopt the dog. The dog was fond of him. But the thing was how it would meet Louie’s wife. They also had cats at home. Loui was taking for walks his wife and dog in order it to know her too. Lately cat passed away and eventually dog was already at home. The dog was really happy and was feeling itself protected.