When seeing a lonely stray pet the officer determines to adopt it

When seeing a lonely stray pet the officer determines to adopt it

Previous year an officer named Matthew noticed a small wounded dog on the road. It did not have a neckband either. He decided to take the baby and took to the hospital to be examined. The story should have ended here but not. He was visiting the animal frequently so the animal was in his head always.

The employees of the shelter cured the injury and made some examinations. The volunteers were waiting that the owner would appear but it did not occur. So the officer came back to the refuge and decided to look after the baby. He confessed that it was his dream to keep a pit bull that is why he was left indifferent to the puppy.

The dog was named Thor. The police officer what fate the pet had had but he promised that he would take care of the baby in a proper way. He was really excited about the new member of the family as he was fond of this kind of animal so much. So he determined to make the small creature the happiest that it would enjoy its each day.

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