A pet from a refuge was so anxious that was not able to sleep as it was watching its holders who were new

A pet from a refuge was so anxious that was not able to sleep as it was watching its holders who were new

The holders of a pet had no idea why the dog behaved in such a way. Later when they knew the reason it saddened them. This story touches hearts of a lot of people on the earth. A family determined to have a pet.

So they went to an animal refuge and took a pet they were fond of. The pet was at once got accustomed to them and was playing with the children of the family. But generally the holders noticed that something was happening to the dog. It was getting from the room and was gazing at them. They were anxious about that and took it to the doctor.

The doctor did not diagnose any health issues it was fully fine. Then the holder went to the refuge and ask about the dog if they could know about the nightmares of the pet. He found out that its previous owner gave it a sleeping drag and took it to the refuge. And it could not say bye him. That’s why the pet was afraid that it would be again separated and would be returned to the refuge. The family gave it care and love and shared their room with it. Now the dog is joyful.

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