Brave individuals venture their lives to rescue a small giraffe from drowning
There a lot of animals which are on the edge of vanishing. Luckily there are sites on the planet where people yet realize how to exist side by side with the amazing animals. The unique connection is based on love, sympathy. And in any case when an animal which needs assistance, people understand that they are in need of help.
The same story happened with the young giraffe which was saved by people in Kenya. It was not clear how it appeared in one of the rivers. The river was also filled with crocodiles. The destiny of the giraffe was not clear. Anyway the assistance was from the least expected place. When people knew about the case of the shocked animal they hurried to help. The saving process lasted hours due to the courageous deed of people.
Fortunately, one of them put pictures on the Internet from the process in order to be seen by the world. Recently there are types of those animals which are on the edge of being disappeared. And Masai giraffe is not an exception. Their quantity has decreased in Tanzania and Kenya.