The brave pet was bitten by a snake while defending a girl from Florida

The brave pet was bitten by a snake while defending a girl from Florida

We know that dogs are considered a true friend of a man. And in case not each friend will be ready to surrender his life but a loyal pet will do that for sure. A family took a dog with the name Haus several months ago. One day when the child of the owners was unsafe the brave dog without hesitation run to support her.

One day Polly was outside and at that time a snake appeared near the house. Seeing this Haus run to rescue the girl and stayed between the girl and the reptile. The dog’s life was in danger. The snake managed to bite it for several times but the pet did not give up. The pet was in need of assistance and due to the donations of a lot of people the pet was rehabilitated.

The assistance for cure reached up to 50 000 dollars. Fortunately the life of the pet was saved. But it needs time for recovering injured kidneys. As we see the dog really did a heroic deed and not everyone is ready to endanger his life for saving another’s. But this kind of examples are really embracing.

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