The faithful cat accompanies the children each day to school and even sometimes attempts to enter into the building

The faithful cat accompanies the children each day to school and even sometimes attempts to enter into the building

In the beginning of the pandemic Heather, mother of two children and Luna’s holder adopted a cat from a refuge. It easily got used to its new owners especially their children girl and boy. As it was lockdown they were at home all the time and the cat was feeling joyful. It was with them whenever they would go.

When the children were going for homeschooling and Heather was going to the educational institution for free breakfast Luna was going after her. When the pupils started to go to school Luna continued accompanying them. It was trying to be next to them all the time in order not feel alone. So each day Luna started to go to school after them.

And once it did not want to wait how they entered to the building and it could be left alone. So it determined to join them. It deliberately wanted to enter into the building but it was caught. When Heather heard about that she was really surprised because of the case she said sorry to the educator. When she went to the school Luna again tried to enter the building but when seeing her showed as if everything was ok. When the children heard the story they were sure that the cat would try again to enter.

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