The unhearing cute dog was straying along the refugees and was helping the animals which were alone

The unhearing cute dog was straying along the refugees and was helping the animals which were alone

Most people usually take animals from refugees who are beautiful or don’t have health issues. The dog’s name is Shiro and it is deaf and can’t see well. So these factors prevented it from finding holders who would look after it. It was replaced in different shelters and it also had different owners.

But they didn’t manage with it and were returning it back to shelter. 2 years before he seemed to be happy its owner was a man and seemed to be its real companion. Currently the dog is a foster parent for lonely animals. It is fond of them, plays with them and assists. Once when the dog’s owner brought home several animals he saw that it had started to look after them.

So it was mostly fond of tiny kitty Tolly. The kitty was frightened and was in need of care so the dog helped it to recover. The dog was very attentive to the cat. It was not leaving the cage even for a minute. Now there were also other animals at home and Shiro was always ready to take care of them.

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