Courageous frogmen set the giant whale free by cutting the long rope and that was unbelievable
Simon and Antonio who were divers decided to have an astonishing experience by diving in the Maldives. They could not imagine that after all would manage to be saviors and be considered heroes. They have an organization referring to diving and while guiding tour in the sea in Winter 2021, they came across a huge shark which was needed help.
When of the divers saw the giant the marine mammal the group determined to take the boat back. As the rope was tightly spreaded over the animal the group realized that the mammal was in need of support. One of the divers said that after returning the people he went through the water then again saw the giant mammal which was swimming to them. Antonio and Simon decided to set the animal free. As it was stuck with the rope all around its body. They felt it would not harm them after being releazed.
They were putting huge efforts to release the mammal and that lasted about ten minutes. They were able to cut the rope and make the whale happy. They succeeded and became real heroes.