Now a kunhound named Penny lives in a large family with five children. A year and a half ago, the puppy, along with 10 of his brothers and sisters, was starving on the streets of Georgia. The box with the huge brood was picked up by volunteers from the Northeast Animal Shelter.
It was there that Penny was found by her current owner, Deanna Greenstein. The woman lost her belovedpet – Boston terriernamed Henryy – and needed a new one. Cheerful and playful, Penny was able to heal the emotional wounds of the hostess, quickly becoming the favorite of the whole family and the best friend for children.
There is a family tradition in Dianna’s family – to make photo cards for relatives and friends at Christmas. Children dress up in festive costumes and take pictures next to the Christmas tree or fireplace. Since Penny has been part of the family for a long time, the guys wanted her to appear in the pictures this year too. But the dog had his own plans. Penny categorically did not want to pose with the children and sabotaged the entire event, making funny faces in front of the camera.
Dianna decided to remove the naughty dog from the photo shoot, but her actions inflamed the stubborn kunhound even more. Penny started jumping in front of the lens like a mountain goat, barking, spinning around, licking the lens and poking her nose into it – completely ruining (and maybe improving!) family shots. After many attempts to calm the pet and finally take at least one good photo, Dianna still gave up and decided to postpone the event for later. But after looking at the pictures, the woman decided that there was something very funny in this chaos, and collected the frames into a photo collage. The result was an original postcard, which the family signed “Happy Govzhdstvo!