The kitten which was ignored because of abnormal paws now has got a new family
The previous holders of the kitten even its gentle and wonderful appearance determined to abandon it. They did not like the kitten because it had big fingers and a large thumb. They moved the cat to the clinic and did not want to remember about the kitten. The vets examined the pet and concluded that abnormal appearance of fingers does not forbid it move freely.
One of the employees of the hospital took the cat to its home. Firstly the baby was terrified to the new environment and was trying to hide itself somewhere. It was escaping from him. At home there was also a dog name Mojito it started to take care of the pet and gave love. They were playing with one another and having a great time.
The cat was already grown up but was still attached to its foster parent. The animal finally found confidence and warmth in the new family after being betrayed by previous holders. It had got not only a caring holder but also a kind-hearted dog which was always by its side. Let the cat enjoys its days with its family.